OÜ Nakro viib läbi projekti «Digitaliseerimise teekaart Nakro»
Projekti jooksev eesmärk – digikaardi loomine. Projektil on järgmised jooksvad eesmärgid:
1. Firma juhtimises ja tarnekettides olevate kitsaskohtade analüüsist andmete saamine. Kitsaskohtade analüüs ja kirjeldus peavad vastama mudelile SCOR.
2. Firma tootmisprotsesside ja tarnekettide digitaliseerimise ja automatiseerimise tehnoloogia ja meetodite väljatöötamine.
3. Digitaliseerimiseteekaardi loomine.
Nakro OÜ sai toetuse summas 14 560,00 eurot.
The Joint-stock company “Nakro” was founded in 1984 year.
Joint-stock company “Nakro” is demonstrated itself as a stable company, which is capable to produce high-quality leather goods.
Finished leather goods sell as on Estonian shoes fabrics, as abroad. Export is 85 %. "Nakro" has a long business relations with Russia and Byelorussia. At the same time "Nakro" continually is engaged in researching into a new markets; "Nakro" successfully exhibits the samples of leather goods on different international leather Fairs in Finland and Italy, and also takes part in the seasonal exhibitions "Leather-Footwear-Fur-Technology" in Moscow, Russia, every year.
High quality of leather is ensured the modern technology equipment and chemicals from the european states: Italy, Germany, France.
The great attention is given to researching and inculcation of the most modern technologies of leather processing; our technologists work up the new kinds of leather goods in according to market demands.
Factory technology develops and introduces new types skins to meet growing market demands. Products available in various colors with various embossing.